



Human settlement begins.  Most notably, a generation ship named The Mimosa arrives with the largest population.  They contribute fully to the establishment of a new colony.  Some drift into neighbouring systems, but most stay in Lunguni.  Its people are referred to as Isarian.  Isarian in the literal sense means ‘people of the lower (outer) systems [isa – ‘lower’ {ancient translation}/{modern accepted translation} ‘outer’)  Isa’rian }.

The Mimosa left Sol in 2884 and spent 300 travelling.


The first extraction settlement is established on Lunguni 1.  Empire and Federation enter  into a conflict.  The system remains independent to avoid unfriendly entanglements. The colonists adapt to their new way of life.

Lunguni has excellent mineral wealth which has helped the systems economy to grow significantly.


The first orbital platform is established – Compton Prospect.  Extraction of gas and minerals continue to generate wealth.  Capacity to support independent pilots is limited.  Plans are made for a new Coriolis Star Port. The population rises creating security issues.


The Federation view the system with strategic importance.  They encourage the system to join.  Fault lines appear in the systems fragile democracy. The Lunguni Federal Network is established to encourage membership.


Bendell Terminal is established with the help of funding from the Federation. Galactic powers start to influence politics,  triggering an unease as the population fear the loss of their independent status.  Lunguni First is established from the systems two main political groups.  Smaller groups band together and form The Family Of Lunguni. Civil unrest plagues the system.

The Federation continues to have a presence in the system today, whilst the Empire has always remained passive.


Fears that the Intergalactic Navy will be disbanded prompt further system turmoil.  Politics are broken, politicians hated.  The population continues to grow and control is now shared by factions.  The largest faction, Lunguni First start to build forces in order to restore order.  Their forces take direct control over the construction of the new star port – Doyle Landing.  The local authority loses control and the factions continue grow powerful.  A new faction is established to counter the threat – Lunguni Labour.  It attempts to create a ‘System Council’ in response to the new developing order.  It fails.


Powerful factions blame the galactic powers of interference in the system.  The Federation is blamed directly.  Withdrawal of the Galactic Navy Reserve create a power vacuum across the region. Lunguni First take advantage and take control of the system in the name of ‘order and security’.  All facilities and starports are forcefully taken.  A new security service is established based along military lines.  Lunguni becomes a dictatorship.

The Intergalactic Navel Reserve Arm (INRA) were viewed positively in the system (a good example of Federation/Empire Co-operation)  Their withdrawal created political shock waves.


Doyle Landing and Macedo Freeport become fully operational.  Lunguni First grows in influence.  System wealth grows and and the population reaches over 2 million. General Jonah Blankenship takes leadership of Lunguni First.  He is referred to as ‘The General’

The General has proved to be a brutal dictator.  He has created conflicts in systems up to a 20 ly away.


Advances in FSD technology further improve the systems prospects.  Lunguni First starts to expand it influence into other systems.  Insurgency activities are sparked.  The Family of Lunguni are blamed and branded Anarchists.

The Family of Lunguni was originally an insurgency.  It is now an anarchy group that will attack the assets of any Faction, even in their own system.  The current faction leader is Chief Dina Mason.

June 3303

Rumours of Thargoid attacks start to circulate. Independent commanders native to the system create a new system squadron. Its name – Isarian/ ISAR

Jan 3304

Thargoed attacks increase.  The Federation offer support.  A Capital Ship is dispatched to the system.  The attack pattern indicates a threat to the core systems occupied by the Empire, Alliance and Federation.  Lunguni’s location becomes strategically important once more. Alliances develop.

March 3304

Lunguni is in a state of incursion. Doyle landing is attacked by Thargoids and nearly destroyed. Humanitarian work commences.  ISAR support these efforts and later join AX initiatives to stop their progress as they move towards the core systems.

May 3304

ISAR engages in the acquisition of Guardian Tech and supports further AX initiatives.

August 3305

ISAR engage the Thargoids at the Witch Head Nebula and help establish the Enclave.  Thargoids withdraw from the core systems.

December 3305

ISAR returns home to Doyle Landing.  The squadron appeals to CMDRs for help in rebuilding the station.  Rebuilding commences.

January 3306

As repair activities commence. Lunguni First system influence skyrockets.  The dictatorship begins expansion activities, triggering a number of Wars in neighbouring systems.  In response ISAR create a new Faction  – The Knights Of Isarian.  Repair activities are suspended and the squadron defect.  Isarian pledge to retain Lunguni as an independent system.

February 3306

A civil war breaks out between Lunguni First and the Knights Of Isarian.  Lunguni First is weakened politically and engaged in two other civil wars in neighbouring systems.  The conflict lasts for 4 days. The Knights Of Isarian are victorious, taking control of the system and Doyle Landing.  ISAR is recreated to officially align its support to the Knights Of Isarian.  Democracy is restored.

March 3306

Knights Of Isarian continue their rebuilding efforts on Doyle Landing.  Operation IDA joins midway through the repair on March 14th.  On March 17th the repairs are completed and the station goes into full service on March 19th.  Doyle Landing had some of the highest repair commodity requirements in comparison to other stations.  This was truly an achievement for all involved.

The Knights also successfully expand into Cabarci and a coalition was formed with Cooper Industries.

April 3306

The Knights go to war with Barons Of Cabarci and Baudani Services taking control of Ingstad Mines, Wyndam Mine and Cousin Point. On taking control of the system the Knights prepare to expand to Assinda. A coalition is agreed with the Alba Rotam Private Military.

May 3306

The Knights expand into Assinda, a system plagued by anarchy for over 2 years. The system has a troubled history, attacked by Thargoids and pirates.  The Assinda Jet Clan (anarchy faction) control the system but typically provide no security.  Slave trading is allowed.  The Knights successfully take control of Hennepin Prospect (in repair) and start to provide security.  The Knights vow to take over the remaining starports with the aim of driving out the anarchists.  In Lunguni, the Knights and Lunguni First go to war again.

June 3306

All starports are captured and controlled by the Knights in Assinda.  Repair operations continue at Hennepin Prospect.  The Brewer Corporation release Fleet Carriers.  ISAR acquire the Knight Crusader and the Knight Paladin as squadron carriers.  This is later followed by the Knight Valiant and Knight Errant.  With their increased jump range and capacity to carry goods at a huge scale, repairs to Hennepin become viable.  Operation IDA support the repair on June 13th and the station repiars are completed on June the 19th (completed in 7 days).

Hennepin Prospect was the first station to be repaired with the use of carriers by Operation IDA and the Knights Of Isarian

July 3306

With Assinda and Cabarci under control of the Knights, a new realm starts to emerge.  With the exception of Bendell Terminal, the Knights now control every starport in Lunguni.  Baudani is selected as the next expansion target.  CMDR’s with personal fleet carriers join the squadron and its military capabilities increase significantly.

The Knights have 10 carriers which can be deployed on separate assignments

August 3306

The Knights successfully expand, adding Baudani to its realm.  Treaties with neighbouring factions are agreed and diplomatic links strengthened.

September 3306

Faction Influence continues to grow outside its local cluster of systems.  The Knights arrive in Hip 11157, 24 ly away from Lunguni.

December 3306

The Knights expand from Hip 11157 to Socho.  The system is controlled by an anarchist faction called the Socho Gold Raiders.  The Gold Raiders unseated the powerful Aegis Core, as the systems controlling faction in May 3304.   Following the relocation of Aegis HQ from Socho to Sol, the Gold Raiders continued to dominate matters and maintain a strong hold on the system.  The Knights arrival signalled its aim to restore democratic control.

In 3304 the Eagle Eye network (managed by Aegis) alerted CMDR’s of a potential attack on Lunguni and Mentor.  Mentor was spared, but Doyle Landing was attacked.  Although the Knights are neutral in matters relating to Aegis, its important to note that they failed to deploy forces or a defence megaship, despite prior knowledge of a potential attack in Lunguni.

January 3307

The Knights successfully take control of Socho.  The faction has successfully moved over 40ly away from their home system.  A ‘Realm Of The Knights’ includes 9 Star Systems .  Further coalitions are formed with several factions, Estra Haven, Dogs Of Lore, Criminals In Disguise, Phalanx Grand Legion and the Close Encounters Corps.

Massive Thargoid incursions in both the Coal Sack and Witch Head Nebula prompt the dispatch of 3 carriers and wings from the Knights Anti Xeno Force (KAXF). Joining with other CMDR’s and Anti Xeno Groups, the Knights help repel attacks in Lembas.

March 3307

Further successful expansions enable the Knights to arrive in Hip 9452.  The Knights are now present in 17 star systems.  The faction is now located at the most southern point relative to Lunguni. Hip 9452 is the last populated location before the expanse that separates the ‘bubble’ from the Pleiades Nebula.

April 3307

The Adamaster signal is received and ISAR pilots respond to what is referred to the Adamastor Enigma

May 3307

Thargoid emergency declared.  ISAR Respond – California, Coalsack and Pleiades Nebulas attacked.

September 3307

Salvation warn of an imminent attack in the Cornsar System – ISAR deploy it’s Anti Xeno Force (KAXF) along side other Anti Xeno Forces to defend the system. On the 20th of September, The Thargoid fleet is wiped out.

Wreckages of Thargoid Vessels are abundant. Questions as to what has happened are answered when Salvation take credit. Claims are made that Salvation has the means to detect and destroy Thargoid incursions on a massive scale.  Salvation confirm they are working on a weapon that will aim to eradicate the Thargoid threat.

October 3307

ISAR support the Colonia Bridge Project by making deliveries.

November 3307

As Salvation gains support from the superpowers, ISAR start to further develop its Anti Xeno Capability. Recent events and continued attacks by Thargoids in the Pleiades may indicate a threat to ISAR, its territory and Allies.

February 3308

ISAR have Detected a Non Human Signal Source 23 light years from it nearest system. ISAR Defend the Systems of DAN, Hip 12314 and Nauni from Thargoid Vessels. ISAR engagement is a further test of its AX Capabilities.

June 3308

A new super weapon called the Proteus Wave begins construction

July 3308

ISAR engage the Thargoids at Hip 22460. Capital Class Ships are also located in the system to help defend the weapons construction.

Aug 9th 3308

The Salvation super weapon, the Proteus Wave, is fired leading to massive repercussions. A secondary wave of Unknown origin is released, disabling and destroying ships in Hip 22460. All Guardian technology is rendered useless by the field.  It is emitted from an old Thargoid site on the planets surface.  It is clear this was the site of the Proteus Wave Weapon.

September 3308

Objects of unknown origin are observed at different locations. Strange noises are detected towards the direction of Bernard’s Loop. The objects are later referred to as Stargoids and their movement is tracked.

November 3308

The track of the Stargoids are followed closely. ISAR determine that one will pass in close proximity to its sector of control. There are now 8 Stargoids being tracked heading from different locations around the bubble.

November 10 3308

A CMDR gets a closer look at a Stargoid, and observes what is a cloud moving at incredible speed.

November 29th 3308

The Stargoid now named Taranis arrives at Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6.  The Kingfisher Megaship – part of a Thargoid Advocacy Project arrives to make contact. The vessel is destroyed, thus confirming Thargoid intensions are hostile.  Confirmation of the Stargoid’s arrival point is made and in its place a ‘Maelstrom’ is present.

November 30th 3308

A Pilots Federation Alert is received by ISAR.  The second Stargoid – now named Leigong, is due to arrive in HIP 8887, 27ly from Lunguni. ISAR declare it is on a war footing, at maximum defence posture. As further Stargoids are predicted to arrive at strategic locations, it is clear that this is a Thargoid Invasion Fleet like no other.

December 1st 3308

Maelstrom Leigong arrives as predicted, located around HIP 8887 A 4, about 2500 Ls from entry.
Similar to the other systems, the Maelstrom produces a Hazardous environment.  Like the aftermath of the Proetus Wave, an Anti Guardian Field is active in the system, which degrades and renders Guardian tech useless. Constant interdictions from Thargoid Vessels are reported.   ISAR warn allies that the following systems are at risk of attack –  Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-0, HIP 7277, HIP 7819, Obassi Osaw, Arietis Sector KM-W d1-94.

The Galactic community quickly realised that no single faction had a the capability to defeat a Thargoid invasion on this scale.  It would require a massive community effort, drawing on every available resource.  ISAR was well placed to support the war effort, and contributed fully.

December 3rd 3308

ISAR enter Maelstrom Leigong with ships engineered to withstand its caustic environment. New materials are collected but its centre cannot be penetrated. All attempts end in failure.  A large energy pulse emanating from the centre pushes ships out to the edge of the Maelstrom.  It becomes clear that ISAR and allied forces are facing a large object with formidable defence capabilities.

February 22rd 3309

On the 16 February, Thargoids were spotted in Lunguni.  It is no longer considered safe.  On the eve of the invasion (January 22), Knight Command meet on the Knight Crusader to discuss and finalise their war strategy.  All carriers are moved out of the system to Koenpa.  A call for support is made to all Allies and player groups.  Plans are shared.  The aim is to “Draw them in and catch them unawares”

February 23rd 3309

A Thargoid invasion fleet arrives on the 23 February.
Crompton Prospect and Macedo Freeport fall in the first two weeks of the battle, Bendell Terminal and Doyle Landing are fortified enough to withstand the invasion.  In a decisive battle above Bendell Terminal, lasting 3 days and involving a number of large Anti-Xeno groups, a decisive victory is made.

Bendell Terminal was an ideal staging ground to fight back, as it was capable of supporting larger vessels, thus enabling anti xeno forces to repair and rearm and hold their ground.  The Battle For Bendell Terminal was a major turning point in the war for Isarian Forces (KAXF)

March 3309

While the battle for Lunguni continued, the fight to control of Isarian space was also well under way.  This was signalled by another Thargoid invasion fleet arriving in Cabarci.

The Knights Anti Xeno Force (KAXF) was able to field test new gear and combat strategies.  It is an overwhelming success. The KAXF with the help of independent pilots drive the Thargoids out.  The systems are cleared on 22 March 3309.  Victory is declared!