Join Us If you’re interested in joining us, you need to complete the following steps: 1) Join our discord server. All communications within our group are made here. 2) Complete the webform below and confirm that you will follow or player code. 3) Join our in game squadron by submitting and application. Search for ISAR 4) Join our Squadron via INARA by clicking here Feel free to join our Discord Server Here and chat online with players before joining. If you need to send a message to the group feel free to use the form opposite. WANT TO JOIN USE THIS FORM Your Email (required) Your CMDR Name (required) Please tick the following acceptance: I would like to join the Knights Of Isarian. I have read and will abide by the Knights Code and serve the faction with with Honour and Integrity Δ NEED TO SEND US A MESSAGE – IT’S THIS ONE CMDR Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject (required) Your Message (required) Δ