Our System – Lunguni

Lunguni System Profile Including Points Of Interest

Lunguni is considered by many as a backwater system, situated outside the bubble.  However, our player group has been based here for over 4 years and there is money to be made. It has a reasonable population of over 3 million and is a great place to prospect for raw materials.  The nearest industrial system is Jang O, high tech system is HIP 6796.  The nearest Interstellar Factors is in Carbaci at Cousin Point.  The Knights Of Isarian offer a number of good wing missions from Bendell Terminal.  Players are paid well if they are allied with our faction.

The guide below profiles all the facilities currently controlled in the system.  It also provides points of interest that are worth visiting.

Lunguni 1

Doyle Landing – Controlled by the Knights Of Isarian.  It has the largest population in the system.  The station was restored to full service recently following the hard work of independent commanders.   Support from other player groups – The Hutton Orbital Truckers and Operation IDA helped speed up the repair considerably.

Bendell Terminal is a planetary outpost controlled by Lunguni First.  Good missions are offered from this station by the Knights Of Isarian

Lunguni 2

Hambly Depot +++  situated close to a tall mountain.  This extraction facility is managed by the Lunguni Federal Network.  A Trespass zone is in place but can be explored by SRV.

Macedo Freeport is planetary outpost controlled by Lunguni First

Lunguni 3

Kippax Progress sits on a hill side ledge.  It is surrounded by a small trespass zone and is protected by skimmers.  This mining facility is controlled by Lunguni First

Compton Prospect is a  planetary outpost controlled by Lunguni First

Lunguni 4

Musa Al Khawaizmi’s Folly is a small facility controlled by Lunguni Federal Network.  It’s difficult to reach as it has a very wide perimeter protected by a trespass zone.  The planet is also a good place to find materials.

Lunguni 5

The Secret OX Farms is a large facility controlled by Lunguni Labour.  It is a agricultural facility with a several biomes and external natural lighting.  Worth a visit if your in the area.

Mallott Depot ++ Controlled by Lunguni First

Lunguni 13 A

13 A is perched on the edge of the ice rings of Lunguni 13. Good for sight seeing – especially in VR

Lunguni 13B and 13BA

Two moons that are locked between each others gravity.

Lunguni 15 B

Lunguni 15 B 15 C 15 FA all have powerful water geysers that eject material which is a pale yellow in colour.  The moons of 15 B and 15 C are covered with canyons and deep colourful ravines.  Both moons are tidally locked.

Lunguni 15 B and 15 C

Not as close as 13 B and 13 BA, but close. Both planets have interesting canyons and are worth exploring.  Many materials can be prospected from the service using an SRV.

Lunguni 15 F A

Brackett Bastian is controlled by Lunguni First

Lunguni 16

Red Moon Limited is a manufacturing installation controlled by Lunguni First. It has its own defence force.  This is one of the biggest faction facilities perched close to the edge of the system.  It was originally a science facility controlled by the Lunguni Federal Network.  It was established after the system was attacked by Thargoids.

Lunguni 16 A

Clifford Point is controlled by Lunguni First.  It is defended by patrolling space craft, Turrets and a trespass zone

UNUK LIPINSKI Enterprise is a small facility controlled by Lunguni First

Lunguni 17

The Lunguni Federal Network have used this area to store one of the Federations Farragut Battle Cruisers for a number of years.  It has been here since the Thargoid incursion. Providing you are not hostile to the Federation, you can go and explore this area.  Its continued presence is likely to remain as the the Thargoid threat remains.  The other suspected reason for its presence is Lunguni’s close proximity to the Empire.  This link shows them in battle https://youtu.be/qqUWESz4GdU